Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It is Math after all !!!

Continuing on the post by Eshu about what are the typical activities of a software professional.  Some more observations..

I have noticed that the higher a manager is in the hierarchy the more removed they are from a developer's perception of software technology (as in JAVA , .Net , Ruby, AJAX, Perl , etc. etc..)

A typical manager / senior manager / senior- senior manager's ..work day

  • Mail

  • Phone Calls

  • Excel Sheet

  • Meetings

  • More Excel Sheet

  • a bit of power point

  • More mail and more phone calls

  • More meetings

  • Blackberry extensively thrown in..

  • A bit of SAP

  • and more of the above

Almost entirely the work consists of number crunching in some form or the other. Whether it is calculating profitability or resource efficiency or productivity or defect density and so on..

I was talking to my husband this morning who is part of senior management in another Level 5 company and his work day and  his peer's work days  are more or less as above.. Today he in fact has a marathon 3 hour excel sheet scheduled the task being 'Resource Forecasting'...

So it is Math after all !!!.

PS: My apologies if I unintentionally hurt someone's feelings..


Udayan Banerjee said...

I see that WORD is missing from the list!

Lata said...

yes I agree.

Aakash said...

How can you forget MPP? :-)

Well, I think it is more based on the individuals and all of them don't fit what you have said above.

Deepesh P C said...

I'm slightly confused...Do you mean a Manager should be in touch with his/her coding mode :-)

Lata said...

I have observed that senior management don't use MPP and word they leave it to lesser mortals like the managers..

Lata said...

I am not advocating what a manager should or should not do... But just stating reality.. In the long run I guess being in the industry it augurs well for any professional to be in touch with technology..